The METalliance (Music Engineering and Technology Alliance)

Established in 2005, The METalliance (Music Engineering and Technology Alliance) is composed of top award-winning audio engineers/producers Chuck Ainlay, Niko Bolas, Jimmy Douglass, Frank Filipetti, George Massenburg, Sylvia Massy, and Elliot Scheiner.
The METalliance works with producers, engineers, educators and manufacturers to further the best practices and technology developed in modern recording and to help insure the skills and techniques that have developed through the history of recording are carried forward.
Thier new book ‘Recording & Mixing Drums‘ is the Holy Grail of a century’s worth of drum recording knowledge, gleaned from seven of the all-time greatest engineer/producers.
The team organize In Session events each year where participants interact with the METalliance members in live recording and mixing sessions. Attendees get a close-up look at basic tracking and mic techniques, and in separate sessions, are closely engaged in the process in great detail and participate in critical listening and evaluation.
Team members also regularly participate in industry related workshops such as the ‘Drum Recording & Mixing Workshop‘ at AES 2022.
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