Recording & Mixing Drums

METalliance Book
Recording And Mixing Drums
Contrasting Techniques from Seven Lifetimes of Recording Experience
Al Schmitt, Chuck Ainlay, Ed Cherney, Elliot Scheiner, Frank Filipetti, George Massenburg, Niko Bolas with Bill Gibson. Forward by Don Was
(Available now in eBook and Paperback (338 pages), with many photos and educational illustrations)
Don Was, in the Forward, has this to say about the book, “METalliance Recording & Mixing Drums is the Holy Grail of a century’s worth of drum recording knowledge, gleaned from seven of the all-time greatest engineer/producers. Take the accumulated wisdom contained in this tome, burn it into your soul and then use the knowledge to create your own singular sound. That’s what the authors of this book did and that’s why they’ve written it for you.”
There’s a special bond between great drummers and the studio engineer, likely because they feed off each other’s creative energy. The groove they lay down and the emotions they inspire are the foundation for every other performance on the record!
In-depth Sections
With pictures and diagrams from each of seven METalliance members with their detailed takes on the art of recording drummers:
- Tracking Drums – both technically and getting the best performance
- Mixing
- History
- Favorite Drum Tracks
- Selected Discography
General Sections
- Roundtable Discussion on Drums
- Remembering Phil Ramone, Ed Cherney and Al Schmitt
- METalliance Member’s Credits
- Session Planning Sheets from Chuck Ainlay and Frank Filipetti
Recording & Mixing Drums Video
METalliance team members Chuck Ainlay, Niko Bolas, Frank Filipetti, George Massenburg and Elliot Scheiner have shot a video to help illustrate some of the many recording techniques featured in the book, and to discuss the process of drum recording and mixing. Available soon on – watch this space.

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